Become an MPVS Volunteer and Make a Difference.
Feeling inspired? Download the Membership Application, and either email the filled-out form to membership@mpvsbenefitshop.org or drop it off in the MPVS Benefits Shop. Alternatively, fill out the callback request form below and someone at MPVS will get back to you about volunteer opportunities.
1. You will have the satisfaction of working on a worthwhile cause.
2. You will make new friends of like-minded individuals on your team.
3. You will have an equal share vote in deciding who receives our grants.
4. As a volunteer, you will assist the repurpose and reuse of donations.
5. You will make a difference in the lives of many others.
and join us in accomplishing a worthy mission. MPVS receives donations from the public and makes the best of these available for sale in our Benefit Shop. The proceeds from these sales are used to support a wide variety of non-profit organizations in the greater Monterey area.
5 Reasons to Become a MPVS Volunteer
Benefit Shop: 655 Broadway Ave., Seaside, CA
Open: Tuesday – Saturday, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. • Closed: Sundays, Mondays, and holidays
(831) 394-5028 • Email membership@mpvsbenefitshop.org
Open: Tuesday – Saturday, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. • Closed: Sundays, Mondays, and holidays
(831) 394-5028 • Email membership@mpvsbenefitshop.org
Callback Request Form:
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